UNCCD Focal Point:
Name: Dr. Eric Browne
Function: Forestry Officer
Ministry: Ministry of Environment, Climate Action and Constituency Empowerment (Department of Environment)
Phone: 868-467-1161
E-mail: eric.browne@gov.kn, foreignaffairs@mofa.gov.kn, environment@gov.kn
Location: About 113 kilometers south of Anguilla and 300 kilometers southeast of Puerto Rico. A narrow strait 3.2 kilometers wide separates the two islands.
Area 269 km² (100.8 sq. mi.)
Terrain: Towering mountains extend through the central part of the island, running from southeast to northwest. Mount Liamuiga, a dormant volcanic cone with an elevation of 1,156 meters, is the highest point on the island.
Climate: Hot and humid all year round, with a relatively cool, dry season from January to mid-April and a hot, humid and rainy season from mid-June to mid-November.