SLM in the Commonwealth of DominicaSLM

"The Caribbean SOILCARE project, is a joint venture by PISLM and FAO, that seeks to create a conducive enabling environment and supports countries to establish, implement monitor and report on progress towards LDN targets"

ProjectSustainable Land Management in the Commonwealth of Dominica

The project objective is establishment of landscape level planning, information and coordination frameworks to support sustainable agriculture and sustainable watershed management in Dominica.


Enabling a ‘whole island’ landscape framework to plan, monitor, and adapt land management:  The project strengthens the regulatory, institutional coordination, and planning capacities required to effectively implement SLM approaches in agriculture and watershed restoration.  The project consolidates information systems and coordination mechanisms focused on land use planning and sustainable approaches to land management, to guide policies and land use planning and to support on-the-ground implementation of SLM approaches to agricultural production and watershed restoration.  The project contributes to the capacity building of relevant stakeholders, creating protocols for monitoring and evaluating SLM approaches, and developing and disseminating technical guides and outreach materials.  The outputs are:

  • Five (5)Parish land-use plans with associated guidelines for implementation
  • A land Information decision support system for use in land use planning, assessment of environmental conditions and trends, and policy development
  • A multi-sector platform for land use planning
  • At least one protocol for monitoring and evaluation of SLM practices
  • One strategic training plan on SLM for institutions with sectorial responsibilities for development and conservation, relevant CSOs, community partners
  • Two knowledge publications on SLM practices.


Reducing the effects of land degradation on ecosystem services through sustainable land management.  The project is developing technical packages on effective SLM approaches and technologies and provide agricultural extension officers, resource managers, and farmers with training on these approaches and technologies.  The project is working in four targeted Parishes (Saint David, Saint Paul, Saint Joseph and Saint Patrick) that encompass an area of 40,460 ha.  Within this area, the is promoting SLM approaches in agriculture on 2,000 ha of farmland, and SLM approaches in watershed restoration in three watersheds encompassing 4,000 ha.  The project is undertaking education and awareness to increase understanding of LD issues, including new land use planning and new regulations related to land use violations, as well as programs to demonstrate the social, economic and ecological benefits of adopting SLM approaches and thereby generate support for their adoption.  The outputs are:

  • Package of effective SLM approaches & technologies identified in collaboration with relevant national institutions
  • At least 1,500 farmers and local communities with strengthened capacities to implement SLM approaches & technologies in agriculture
  • SLM approaches & technologies implemented in 4 target parishes, and lessons learned consolidated for farmers of at least 40 farms
  • Degraded watersheds in at least 8 villages rehabilitated with native vegetation, based on site specific rehabilitation plans developed in collaboration with local communities
  • Increased public understanding and awareness of LD issues and associated SLM options, and increased support for land use regulations
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