May 15, 2024

ST. GEORGE’S GRENADA, MAY 15, 2024 – As part of the Caribbean Small Island Developing States (CSIDS) Multi-country Soil Management Initiative for Integrated Landscape Restoration and Climate Resilient Food Systems (SOILCARE, Phase 1) Project, a validation workshop was held at the National Stadium on Friday, May 10, 2024. The workshop aimed to have local stakeholders approve the proposed SOILCARE actions within the 5 intervention sites in Grenada (2) and Carriacou (3). The five sites are Les Avocats, and Chambord in Grenada, and Dumfries, Limlair, and Bellevue South in Carriacou.

The Workshop informed stakeholders on Driver-Pressure-State-Impact-Response (DPSIR) analysis and presented findings on land capability and soil fertility in each of the intervention sites. This was a follow-up to ensure key stakeholders are aware of the major findings of the DPSIR report which was shared for review and feedback. Additionally, it sought approval from the stakeholders on Sustainable Soil and Land Management strategies recommended to address the land degradation issues and improve soil health. Eighteen (18) persons participated, who also contributed to drafting a procurement plan to identify resources and capacity needs to ensure effective implementation of the SOILCARE actions.

Remarks were given by the Chief Extension Officer, Ministry of Agriculture and Lands, Forestry and Marine Resources, Grenada- Ms. Lauren St. Louis, who also serves as the FAO Correspondent, and Mr. Trevor Thompson- Project Manager PISLM in a short but significant opening ceremony.
“We aim to ensure that our actions are evidence-based, contextually relevant and they contribute to achieving the LDN Target. This is why each site represents a Beacon of hope, a testament to the transformative power of collaborative actions and sustainable land management practices,” explained Chief Extension Officer (Ag) at the Ministry of Agriculture and Lands, Forestry and Marine Resources Grenada.

Furthermore, PISLM CSIDS-SOILCARE Project Manager in his remarks stated “this project sets the Caribbean SIDS on a firm foundation to implement sustainable land and soil management, and address land degradation across the region; providing countries with the support they need to take action. He said it also seeks to enhance land and water productivity and improve farmers’ livelihoods in the participating countries, which have ratified the UNCCD and adopted LDN targets to be achieved by 2030, all aimed at combating land degradation, desertification and drought processes that are exacerbated by human pressures on limited land resources and climate change.

The CSIDS-SOILCARE project demonstrates and disseminates Sustainable Soils and Land Management, Land Degradation Neutrality actions, and climate-smart agricultural practices that strengthen resilience against natural disasters and climate change. Grenada is one of the countries benefitting from this project being implemented by the Partnership Initiative for Sustainable Land Management (PISLM) in eight (8) Caribbean countries.