UNCCD Focal Point:
Name: Mr. Armando Paino Henriquez Dajer
Function: Minister
Ministry: Ministry of the Environment and Natural Resources
Phone: +1 809 567 4300
E-mail: armando.henriquez@ambiente.gob.do, convenios@ambiente.gob.do, davis.aracena@ambiente.gob.do
Name: Mr. Hector Garibaldi Perez Acosta
Function: Director of the soil and aggregate management
Ministry: Ministry of the Environment and Natural Resources
Phone: +1 809 567 4300
E-mail: hector.perez@ambiente.gob.do, daniel.luciano@ambiente.gob.do, convenios@ambiente.gob.do
Location: Caribbean, eastern two-thirds of the island of Hispaniola, east of Haiti, between Cuba and Puerto Rico. the north of the Caribbean Sea and south of the North Atlantic Ocean.
Area: 48,310 km² (18,652 sq. mi.)
Terrain: Highlands and mountains with fertile valleys.
Climate: Maritime semitropical, with an average yearly temperature of 26°C (78°F).