UNCCD Focal Point:
Name: Ms. Danielle Hanek
Function: Director
Ministry: Ministry of the Environment & Natural Resources (Forestry Unit)
Phone: +1 242-397-9380, +1 242-397-96674
E-mail: daniellehanek@bahamas.gov.bs, ingeriamiller@bahamas.gov.bs, meaginbullard@bahamas.gov.bs
Name: Dr. Rhianna Neely
Function: Director
Ministry: Ministry of the Environment & Natural Resources (Department of Environmental Protection and Planning)
Destination Bahamas, a country profile of the Caribbean archipelago in the northwest of West Indies.
New Providence island with Bahama’s capital Nassau lies about 310 km (190 mi) off the southern coast of Florida and north of Cuba. The coral-based archipelago consists of around 700 islands and islets, and more than 2,000 cays (coral reefs).
Just about 30 islands are inhabited. The Bahamas share maritime borders with Cuba, Haiti, the United States, and Turks and Caicos Islands (UK)