World Desertification and Drought Day Remarks – Mr. Calvin James (Executive Director)

June 26, 20240

Today, we mark 50 years of World Desertification and Drought Day celebration. This day is dedicated to raising awareness and galvanizing action against the persistent challenges of land degradation. As the Executive Director of the Partnership Initiative for Sustainable Land Management, this day represents the heart of what we endeavour to help countries address in the Caribbean, daily. What I’ve dedicated a portion of my life to helping the region combat.

This year’s theme, “United for Land. Our Legacy. Our Future,” resonates profoundly, especially for us in the Caribbean. Our region, known for its vibrant cultures and rich biodiversity, faces unique challenges in sustainable land management. The impacts of desertification, drought, and climate change are acutely felt here, threatening our food security, water resources, and the very livelihoods that depend on our land.

In the Caribbean, our struggles with sustainable land management are multifaceted. From the pressures of urbanization and tourism to the impacts of hurricanes and sea-level rise, our lands are under constant threat. Soil erosion, deforestation, and the degradation of our coastal areas further exacerbate these challenges, putting our ecosystems and communities at risk.

Yet, amidst these challenges, there is hope and resilience. The theme, “United for Land. Our Legacy. Our Future,” reminds us that by coming together, we can turn the tide. Sustainable land management is not only an environmental necessity it is how we preserve our legacy and ensuring a thriving future for generations to come.

At the Partnership Initiative for Sustainable Land Management, we are dedicated to implementing and promoting practices that restore the health and vitality of our lands. From development and study of innovative agricultural techniques at our Regional Research, Advisory and Capacity Building Facility on New Adaptation Technologies (RAC/NAT) facility to community-centric projects like SOILCARE, we strive to make a tangible impact on the ground. Our work is driven by the belief that every piece of land restored is a step towards a more resilient and equitable Caribbean.

Today, we reaffirm our commitment to this cause. We continue to engage governments, international organizations, civil society, and local communities—to combat desertification and drought. By uniting our efforts, we can create a legacy of sustainable land management that ensures a flourishing future for our region.

The road ahead is challenging, but it is also filled with hope and possibility. Together, united for land, we can turn the tide on desertification and drought. Let us act with urgency, compassion, and unwavering resolve to secure our legacy and our future.

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